Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make your own Bath Paints

This week we made our own Bath Paints. Azilee was able to do this experiment by herself for the most part and both kids really enjoyed painting the tub with the results.

Supplies needed:
1 cup of clear/white bath wash or bubble bath
4 tbsp of corn starch
a few drops of food coloring

First we poured 1/4 cup of the bath wash into each plastic bowl then add 1 tbsp corn starch and a drop or two of food coloring into each container. Mix together with a paint brush or spoon.
*Edit- We ended up having to add a bit more bath wash to each container to get a thinner consistency. You want it thick enough to pain with but not so thick that it all clumps on the brush at once. It might be best to mix the bubble bath/bath wash & the corn starch all together first and then separate and add food coloring.

We went through all of our paint in one bath but if you planned on only using one color at a time you would want to store these in air tight containers.

Overall this was a very quick and easy hands on experiment for the kids. We had a great time!


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