Friday, January 17, 2014

Chili Pie Recipe

Several people mentioned the "Chili Pie" recipe when I posted our meal plan last Monday. This is such an easy recipe and can be made on the stove top or in the crockpot.
I decided to vlog this recipe for the Soupilicious collab that I am participating in this month. Each day a member of the collab posts their Soup recipe on their Youtube channel and so far I have seen some great recipes that I plan on attempting soon.
I highly suggest you check out some of the other delicious soups that my friends have posted this month. They are all listed in the description bar. YUM!


  1. That collab was such a great idea! I love me a good soup. :)

  2. Replies
    1. This is katie dugdale...don't know why it used an old Google ID!!!

    2. Thanks. It is a great recipe. I prefer it on the stove top because the cream cheese didn't melt as well in the crockpot. On the stove, I add it about 15-20 minutes before I serve it so it thickens up the chili.
